Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD)
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
After someone experiences a traumatic event (e.g. serious accident or injury, natural disaster, war, physical or sexual assault, etc.), they may develop long-lasting and persistent distressing symptoms that severely impact their daily lives, including their abilities to work, study, and/or relate to others. For some individuals, indirect exposure to the trauma, such as witnessing or learning about the trauma, would be enough for them to develop PTSD. Sadly, many individuals with PTSD often develop other mental health difficulties, such as depression, anxiety or substance dependence, when their everyday life is negatively affected by their PTSD.
Common PTSD symptoms can be classified into several categories:
having unwanted, recurrent, and disturbing memories of the traumatic event
re-experiencing the traumatic event repeatedly
acting or feeling as if the traumatic event is happening again
recurring nightmares
avoid remembering or talking about the traumatic event due to emotional distress
avoiding activities, places or people that are reminders of the traumatic experience
inability to remember part of the traumatic event
feeling upset when reminded of the event
Negative thinking and emotions
self-blaming and inappropriate guilt/shame
fear of others due to worries of being hurt by them
difficulty having loving feelings with friends and family
feeling detached from them from friends and family
loss of interest in hobbies and interests
reduced or lost ability to feel pleasure
constantly worrying
Increased arousal and reactivity
irritation and/or anger outbursts with little or no provocation
concentrating problems
being startled (“jumpy”) easily
hyper-vigilantly looking out for potential threats
difficulties with falling or staying asleep
impulsive or self-harming behaviours (e.g. substance use, self-cutting, unsafe sex, uncontrolled shopping)
Treatment of PTSD
Several evidence-based treatments are effective for PTSD. With Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), individuals learn to evaluate their thoughts and beliefs about the trauma and adjust them to be more balanced and realistic, leading to improved emotional and behavioural responses to the trauma.
With Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy, psychologists assist individuals to practice repeated exposure to the trauma-related thoughts, feelings, and situations through imaginal or in-vivo (live) exposure exercises. They become less distressed with their trauma-related thoughts, feelings, and situations through repeated exposures.
If you or someone you know is experiencing PTSD, contact us for a free 15-minute consultation to see how we can help you on your path to feeling better.